Shoulder Treatment

Shoulder pain affects millions of Americans every day. There are many possible causes for this problem as you can see in the pages below, and although at times complex, the problem is highly treatable! To get the fastest diagnosis, best treatment, and the most pain relief you should see a specialist trained in shoulder pathology.

At OrthoSports Associates, we have a team of certified specialists who have already helped hundreds of patients in the Greater Birmingham Area and Central Alabama tackle their shoulder problems alleviating pain and regaining mobility. To learn more about your options, please schedule a personal consultation today.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Here are a few of the most common causes of shoulder pain:

  • Tendon problems (inflammation or tear) – this can happen due to a sudden injury or just overuse. A tendon is a connective tissue that connects muscles to your bones
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround your shoulder joint. They provide joint stability and allow for a wide range of motion. Injuries to the rotator cuff, such as tears or strains, can cause pain and limited mobility in the shoulder.
  • Biceps Tendons Tear at the Shoulder A bicep tendon connects the bicep muscles to the shoulder and elbow. When you tear the bicep tendon, you may experience shoulder pain and lose some strength in the arm.
  • Instability (dislocation) – falls, sports injuries, and car accidents could cause the upper arm bone to pop out of the socket
  • Shoulder Dislocation/Separation A dislocation occurs when the upper arm bone (humerus) comes out of the shoulder socket. Also the end of the collarbone can separate from its joint ( called the AC joint) and become unstable. This can result from trauma, sports injuries, or falls. The main symptoms of dislocation/ separation are severe pain and instability in the shoulder.
  • Fracture – broken bones in the shoulder are often the result of falls from heights or traffic accidents

An injury can cause broken bones around the shoulder. Clavicle, Proximal Humerus, Glenoid, Acromion and Scapula are all shoulder bones that can be injured. Sometimes surgery is necessary to repair the pieces and get the best healing.

  • Capsulitis/Frozen Shoulder-  Inflammation of the joint capsule causing pain and stiffness. It is unknown what causes this problem but is very common and can be treated nonsurgically.
  • Arthritis – there are many types of arthritis but the most common is osteoarthritis, also called wear-and-tear arthritis This occurs when the cartilage within the joint starts breaking down. Usually nonsurgical management can help reduce pain and restore function and mobility but sometimes surgery is necessary.

The key to effective shoulder pain management is the correct diagnosis. Once a member of our Orthosports team identifies the underlying cause, they can suggest an effective course of treatment.

Shoulder Surgeries We Offer

While shoulder pain can be highly uncomfortable and even debilitating, the majority of its underlying causes have a conservative solution. From lifestyle change consultations and physical therapy to medication and non-invasive procedures, OrthoSports offers a wide variety of treatment possibilities.

If the conservative methods don’t work, our team may recommend shoulder surgery to alleviate your pain. Types of shoulder surgery that our board-certified surgeons can perform are:

  • Arthroscopic Rotator cuff repair surgery
  • Arthroscopic Capsule and Labral repairs (for dislocated shoulder)
  • Biceps and Subscapularis Tendon repair surgery
  • Acromioclavicular  joint Repairs 
  • Joint Replacement
  • And many others

Relief for Your Shoulder Pain in Alabama

Shoulder pain can reduce your quality of life and keep you from performing daily tasks. Even if the pain seems manageable right now, it could get worse over time. Seeking professional medical attention is key to getting back to your daily life.

A team of experienced orthopedists and board-certified orthopedic surgeons from OrthoSports can evaluate your shoulder problem, identify its cause, and design an effective course of treatment. If you need help with a shoulder issue in the Greater Birmingham area or Central Alabama, contact us to make an appointment today.

OrthoSports Physicians who Specialize in Treating Shoulder Conditions

Jerry V. Ambrosia, M.D.

Fellowship in Shoulder and Elbow

David Shane Buggay, M.D.

Fellowship in

Michael G. Martin, M.D.

Fellowship in Shoulder Surgery, Sports Medicine
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